This week’s TWD recipe is chosen by Mari of Mervrouw Cupcake and is crème brulee. When I have made crème brulee in the past, I have made a custard and then baked the custards in a bain marie before caramelising the top. Dorie’s recipe was far less hassle, as you simply mixed the hot milk and cream with the egg yolks and sugar, then poured this into the ramekins and baked in the oven without the use of a water bath and without having to cook the custard.
I was a little nervous as to how they would turn out, as my understanding is that the water bath gives a much gentler heat so the custards will still be silky smooth. I needn’t have worried, as the crème brulees still turned out silky smooth. The only issue I had with mine was the caramelising the sugar on top. Mum and Dad gave me a brulee torch for Christmas a few years ago, but being “a bit quick” (as my husband always tells me!) and not reading the instructions properly, I filled it with the wrong gas and have never been able to use it! So, I had to use the grill (broiler for US readers!), except, the oven at our house (still pre-re-build) doesn’t have a very efficient grill function. But, we do have a great oven at work, so brought the brulees in to work. I still didn’t get quite the brulee effect that I wanted. I may have to ask again for a brulee torch this Christmas!!!
The other thing is that my brulee is not very photogenic!! I did have one goodish photo, but somehow I have managed to permanently delete it! So, apologies for the photo. I also added raspberries to my brulee which you cant see in the photo. I think I prefer the brulee without them. A crisp biscuit such as a tuile or biscotti would be the perfect accompaniment.
Check out the other TWDers brulees here. And, next week is my turn to chose the recipe! I cant believe how quickly my turn has come around! I am choosing the caramel and peanut topped chocolate brownie cake. I can’t wait to make it in the weekend!!